Recordings of Bible classes taught by Pastor R. B. Thieme III are available at no charge from Berachah Church in DVD and MP3 format.
Two MP3 discs may be ordered per month. Each MP3 is pre-made and contains approximately 42 lessons.
When ordering MP3s, please specify the series number and disc numbers. For a complete list of available recordings, see the Catalog page on this site.
Four DVDs may be ordered per month. Each DVD is pre-made and contains 4 lessons.
When ordering DVDs, please specify the series number and disc numbers. For a complete list of series available on DVD, see the Catalog page on this site.
Call the church at (713) 622-6922 or complete an order form available in the church library. You may leave your order in the church drop box in the library or mail it to the address above. You may also place your order online here.
There is no charge for the material from Berachah Church. Anyone who desires Bible teaching may request the recordings of R. B. Thieme III without obligation. God provides Bible doctrine. We wish to reflect His grace.